MSc course in STEAM education – STEAMedu
Programme: Erasmus+, KA2, Capacity-Building in the field of Higher Education
Acronym: STEAMedu
The aim is to provide practical solutions to help close the gap between industry needs/expectations and educational system outputs, by creating a STE(A)M education master programme. The later will train in-service and future educators at all levels of education to implement STEAM-related courses inosnia and Herzegovina, Albania and Kosovo. Innovative learning material and services will be also developed offering educators a multidisciplinary perspective and participating universities the chance to exchange best practises, modernize, renew and align their curricula towards multidisciplinary skills and competencies necessary for rapidly changing job markets.
Start Date: 15/1/2021
End Date: 14/1/2024
STEAMedu was developed and is being supported by ReadLab.